May Parent Note 2024

Dive Into the World of Literature with IJAK this May!

As we turn the page to May, let’s embrace the magic of storytelling, the wonder of words, and the joy of learning. This month’s theme: Authors, Illustrators, Books oh my! (Autores, ilustradores y libros) promises to ignite a lifelong love for reading and imagination in our little learners,

Upcoming School Holidays

Please be aware of these upcoming school holidays:

    • Cinco de Mayo – May 5
    • Happy Mothers Day – May 14
    • Memorial Day – May 27
Teacher Appreciation Month

May is Teacher Appreciation Month, a time to honor and celebrate the incredible educators who dedicate themselves to nurturing young minds. We extend our deepest gratitude to our wonderful IJAK teachers for their passion, creativity, and unwavering commitment to our children’s growth and development.

May Curriculum

Authors, Illustrators, & Books, Oh My!
Autores, Ilustradores y Libros


May Curriculum
Last Month, we learned V-incent Vampire
Bat, W-illy Weasel, and X-avier Fox.
This May, we’ll complete the alphabet with Y-ancy Yak and Z-eke Zebra.


Week 1: What is a book?
Week 2: Charles Perrault – Mother Goose
Week 3: Theodor Seus Geisel – Dr. Suess
Week 4: Laura Numeroff
Week 5: Eric Carie
Color of the Month: Brown – Café
Shape of the Month: Diamond – Diamante
Number of the Month: 9


Parent Involvement

Graduation – Stay tuned for more details on this special event celebrating our preschool graduates!

Write a note for (or with) your child to say a simple thank you to your teachers for Teacher Appreciation Month!

Thank you for being a part of the I’m Just a Kid family.

As the pages turn, let the enchantment of storytelling transport us to magical worlds where imagination reigns supreme. Here’s to a May filled with literary adventures and cherished memories!


May 01 - 31 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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