April Parent Note 2024

Explore the World with IJAK this April!

As April arrives, join us for a month dedicated to celebrating the rich tapestry of humanity and cultural diversity at I’m Just A Kid. Prepare for a journey filled with discovery and understanding as we dive into this month’s theme: People of the World – Personas del Mundo!

School Holidays In April

Please be aware of these upcoming school holidays:

    • Battle of the Flowers – April 26
2024 – 2025 Registration

Save the date for registration for the upcoming school year:

    • April 22-25

April Curriculum
People of the World – Personas del Mundo


Week 1: Africa
Week 2: England
Week 3: Mexico
Week 4: China


Color of the Month: Pastel Colors – Colores pastel
Shape of the Month: Oval – Ovalo
Number of the Month: 8

In February, we studied S-ammy Snake, T-imothy Tiger, and U-mber Umbrella Bird. 

This month, we’re adding V-incent Vampire Bat, W-illy Weasel, and X-avier Fox. We’re nearing the end of the alphabet; look how much we’ve learned!


In March, we studied S-ammy Snake, T-imothy Tiger, and U-mber Umbrella Bird. 

This month, we’re adding V-incent Vampire Bat, W-illy Weasel, and X-avier Fox. We’re nearing the end of the alphabet; look how much we’ve learned!

We greatly appreciate your continued support.

Here are a few more ways you can support the IJAK community:

  • Refer families who might be interested in joining our wonderful community – take advantage our our referral program and get $200 off your registration when a family joins the IJAK community!
  • Consider lending a hand with activities like decorating bulletin boards or copying curriculum materials.


Thank you for being a part of the I’m Just a Kid family.

As we embark on the adventures that April brings, let’s embrace curiosity, kindness, and a spirit of exploration. Here’s to a month filled with laughter and learning!


Apr 01 - 30 2024


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