The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Preschoolers’ Physical Development

Toddler playing outside in a sandbox

Outdoor play is not just a source of fun and fresh air for preschoolers; it also plays a crucial role in their physical development. In a world increasingly dominated by screens and indoor activities, encouraging children to spend time outdoors can have a profound impact on their growth and well-being. Today, we will explore the […]

5 Fun Activities to Foster Cognitive Development in Toddlers

Babies playing with learning activities

Cognitive development in toddlers is a crucial part of their early growth. As parents and caregivers, we can support this development through a variety of engaging and enjoyable activities that stimulate their young minds. In this blog, we’ll explore five fun learning activities that not only entertain but also foster cognitive growth in toddlers. 1. […]

Daycare vs Private School: What is your Plan for Your Child’s Educational Journey?

Children sitting in a circle clapping

As a parent, choosing the right early education environment for your child is a significant decision. The first nine years of life are the foundation for your child’s life forever .  If we get these right we have set up our children to be happy and successful.  The earliest years are the most important,  with the first year […]

Babies Can Learn!

Baby sitting on bed

Babies are born with an incredible capacity to learn and explore the world around them. From the second they enter the world, information and experiences begin shaping their development. In this blog, we’ll explain ways babies absorb knowledge and develop essential literacy skills, so we can lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning.  The […]

Literacy from Birth: A Parent’s Guide

3 young boys are ready a book, showing early literacy.

Literacy is a fundamental skill that forms the foundation for a child’s academic success and lifelong learning. While traditional literacy instruction often begins in school, the journey towards becoming a proficient reader and writer can start as early as birth. As a parent, you play a crucial role in preparing your child for a lifetime […]

Toddlers and Technology: Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Time

A baby and mother are using screen time with a tablet.

In our digital age, technology is an integral part of daily life, and its impact on children’s development has been a topic of increasing concern. Parents often wonder how much screen time is appropriate for their young children and what the implications of excessive technology use, including exposure to blue light, may be on attention […]

The School Day: Why 7 Hours a Day is Optimal for Children Under 5

2 girls are painting in their childcare center

As parents, educators, and caregivers, we’re all dedicated to providing the best environment for our young learners. One key aspect that often raises questions is the length of the school day for children under 5. With the psychology behind the 8-hour workday for adults as a reference, let’s delve into why a 7-hour school (or […]

Infant Developmental Milestones from Conception to Age 3

Mom Reading to Child Increasing Infant Developmental Milestones

The early years of a child’s life are filled with remarkable growth and development. From the moment of conception to the age of three, children undergo a series of critical milestones that shape their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities. These infant developmental milestones form the building blocks for future learning and success. Schools, like […]

Ensuring Safety in Your Childcare Center: Are Cameras the Answer?

2 young children are playing with blocks at a childcare center.

When it comes to the well-being of our infants, ensuring their safety is of utmost importance. As parents, we want to leave our little ones in a childcare center where they will receive attentive care and be protected from any potential harm. While cameras have gained popularity as a means of monitoring childcare centers, it […]

The Benefits of Early Education

A baby is playing with an abacus in an early education center.

Every parent wants the best for their child, and one of the most important decisions they make is when to enroll them in school. While some parents may opt for a delayed start, research and experts emphasize the significance of putting your child in school early. Early education offers numerous benefits that can shape a […]